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29 results found:
Oxiteno to showcase new personal care ingredients at NYSCC 2017

NYSCC Suppliers’ Day is directed toward the representatives of the cosmetic ingredients industry. Oxiteno, a leading surfactant supplier will be launching three multifunctional solutions at the upcoming New York Society...

Type of publication

16 de February de 2025

Oxiteno is certified by EXCiPACT™ for its Polyethylene Glycol – OXIPURITY 4000 – line in pharmaceutical excipients.

Oxiteno has been EXCiPACT™ certified at its Guadalajara plant, in Mexico, for pharmaceutical excipients in its polyethylene glycol – OXIPURITY 4000 line, further reinforcing its commitment to the quality and...

Type of publication

16 de February de 2025

Challenges in the Field: Increased Productivity and the Role of Adjuvants

The increase in the global population (now projected by the UN to reach 8.5 billion people by 2030) and the subsequent growth in demand for food and agricultural inputs challenge...

Type of publication

16 de February de 2025

From synthesis to the field

Oxiteno develops its solutions through close relationships with its customers and technological partners, technical expertise, capabilities, and operational excellence. We work in partnership from the project’s design. For a pesticide...

Type of publication

16 de February de 2025

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