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Palm Kernel Oil (PKO)

Posted in: December, 2020.

Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) is the most popular vegetable oil in the world.
Malaysia and Indonesia account for more than 90% of production of
this renewable material. Oxiteno, with its Oleochemical unit, in the
Camaçari Industrial Hub (Bahia Sate), is the only company in Brazil that
makes fatty acids, fatty alcohols and glycerin from PKO. These three
derivatives are the basis of numerous Oxiteno products in the
Personal Care, Home Care and R&I segments, in addition to food
applications. They are present in shampoos, conditioners, skin creams,
oral hygiene products, and more.

We know that the palm oil production chain, including PKO, still faces
challenges in social, environmental and economic aspects. Given these
challenges and connected to the non-governmental organization
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Oxiteno understands the
importance of being able to track the supply flows from ports,
refineries, factories and, eventually, even plantations. This goal is an
integral part of more transparency in our value chain. So, in 2019, 15%
of the entire volume of PKO purchased by Oxiteno was certified RSPO,
Mass Balance modality, which guarantees the traceability of our PKO
from known sources, even blended with uncertified sources of this

It is important to note that Oxiteno buys this raw material only from
RSPO certified suppliers, operating according to our sustainability

Oxiteno’s palm chain traceability document is available here.