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18 results found:

Connecting chemistry to change the world. Products and solutions As a leader in the production of surfactants and specialty chemicals, Oxiteno offers comprehensive product portfolio for a variety of applications....


Página inicial › Awards Oxiteno has always been committed to excellence. Similarly, the power of innovation has been present since its foudantion – when it established itself as the first...


Página inicial › Certifications Oxiteno works with excellence and responsibility in all its business activities, industrial units, offices, research and development centers,and in every interaction with its stakeholders. Oxiteno has...

Portfolio Management

Página inicial › Portfolio Management For Oxiteno, sustainability is a journey that has a beginning with no end. Generating value for everyone, it is our strategy to ensure the continuity...


Página inicial › Contributing to well-being through chemistry Chemistry is one of the answers to the challenges faced by humanity.The industry is an important provider of innovative, sustainable solutions that...

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26 results found:
Oxiteno presents “A New Coalescing Agent for High-Performance Waterborne Paint” Webinar at Specialchem platform

Low-VOC waterborne paints usually result in tacky paint films with lower hardness and dirt pick-up resistance due to the usage of high-boiling-point coalescents. This is not the case for the...

Type of publication

October, 2025.

Oxiteno partners with EcoVadis to assess Sustainability in supply chain

This initiative is part of the company’s strategy to offer clients more sustainable solutionsOxiteno, a leader in the production of surfactants and specialty chemicals in Latin America, has become the...

Type of publication

July, 2025.

The Importance of the Film-Forming Process

For paint to have suitable properties, whether for decorative purposes for its final look, or strictly functional, such as the protection of a given substrate, the choice of basic components...

Type of publication

August, 2025.

Oxiteno becomes a member of the American Chemistry Council

Joining the board allows for greater engagement between the company with US chemical industries Pasadena, Texas, November 26, 2018 – Oxiteno, leader in the manufacture of surfactants and specialty chemicals...

Type of publication

November, 2025.

Oxiteno takes part in CPDA 2019 Adjuvants & Inerts Conference

Oxiteno takes part in the CPDA 2019 Adjuvants & Inerts Conference, at the Grand Hyatt Denver, Colorado, in the USA, from April 29 to May 1. The forum brings together...

Type of publication

April, 2025.

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